Farm Girl Search

Saturday, September 17, 2011

We're Back!!!!

We've been back for a couple of days.  It just takes me a couple of days to catch up on orders and house work.  Had a wonderful time! We went to DFW, TX, saw some friends and went to Church on Sunday.  Then, we slept late, did next to nothing, ate, took a nap, ate, and went to bed.  Repeat three times!  Except the last night before we went to bed, we went to see "Rise of the planet of the apes!" (I know, how romantic!) and then topped it off with some New York style cheese cake with strawberry topping and it was soooooo good, we took a piece back to the room with CHOCOLATE topping.  OH! I almost forgot!  my husband bought me a laptop computer of my own for our anniversary.  He's a sports photographer with his own website and we were always struggling to get all our "computering" done.  So, the laptop is his present also. 

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