Farm Girl Search

Saturday, September 3, 2011

What's the best online auction to sell crafts?

I recently posed this same question and I looked and searched for information, but when it came right down to it, I just had to do some trial auctions on different sites to see which one 1. had the buyers looking to buy my crafts, and 2. marketed my crafts to get enough veiws.  So, far, I've tried and  I have to give the grand prize so far to  You have to have ten items in order to be submitted to Google shopping, but once I hit ten, veiws and hits took off, and twelve hours later I already had my first sale.  I wish I knew what the difference was, but for a completely free auction website, it's going to be very difficult to beat, but I'm still researching and I'll keep you posted on my other findings.  Maybe this information will save someone else some time and hassle.

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